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Maya Devi Temple

Maya Devi Temple is the spiritual heart of Lumbini, and marks the spot where Queen Maya Devi gave birth to Gautam Buddha, around 563BC. The temple stands adjacent to a sacred pool (known as Puskarni) and a sacred garden. In the adjoining sacred garden, you will find the pillar of Ashoka, ancient ruins of Stupas, and maroon and saffron robed monks meeting under a sprawling Bodhi tree decorated with prayer flags.

During Buddha’s time, Lumbini was a park situated in Kapilavastu, Nepal. According to Legend, Queen Maya, who was married to Kind Suddhodhana (ruler of Kapilavastu), had a dream about being carried by four spirits to Lake Anotatta in the Himalayas. The spirits offered her a cleansing bath, dresses her and anointed her with perfumes and flowers. After this, a white elephant holding a white lotus in its trunk went around her three times, and finally entered into her womb through her right side. Queen Maya had a ten months pregnancy and returned to her home for the birth. On the way there she stopped by a Sal tree in the flower garden of Lumbini Park. Maya Devi then chose to bath in the puskarini pond in the garden to cleanse herself. After which she gave birth while standing and holding onto a branch from a Sal tree.

About the temple
Inside the Maya Devi Complex is a small landscaped garden area that consists of the Maya Devi temple, a pool of water, the Ashokan pillar and the sacred Bodhi tree. ?The excavation carried out in the 1992 revealed a series of ruins dating back to around 2200 years, including a commemorative stone on a brick plinth, matching the description of a stone laid down by Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BC. The main attraction of the temple is a sandstone carving of the birth of the Buddha, left by the Malla King in the 14th century when Maya Devi was worshipped as an incarnation of the Hindu Mother Goddess. Although the carving has been worn out, the shape of Maya Devi grasping a tree branch and giving birth to Buddha is still vaguely visible.

Best time to visit
The best season to visit Lumbini is from April - May when birth of Lord Buddha is celebrated in a grand manner. During this period, Hindus gather here in Maya Devi temple.

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